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DentalSO mobile app includes multiple modules. The Production Management module provides dental labs with a clear and scientific production management tool by defining the management process from the start. The app then automatically assigns specific tasks to technicians, making it easy to track progress and quality.

To learn more about the Production Management module, you can refer to the detailed Order & Production Management section.

This section focuses on functions for Technicians.

1. Install DentalSO

Method 1: Search for the keyword “DentalSO” on the App Store or Google Play.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-461x1024.png
Install DentalSO – Android
Quản lý Sản xuất - DentalSO dành cho iOS
Install DentalSO– iOS

2. User Guide

2.1. Language Selection:

You can choose from three languages:

  • English
  • Vietnamese
  • Japanese

2.2. Login to Your Account:

  • Contact your lab administrator or DentalSO for a login account (email & password). If your lab is not yet using DentalSO, reach out to us via the contact info below to request access.

Contact Information:

  • Tầm Nhìn Software Company
  • Vietnam: 028 8886 0606 – 094 747 6000
  • U.S.: +1.425-243-2437‬
  • Email:

2.3. Main Screen:

  • The main screen for technicians shows daily work results and provides quick QR code scanning functions.
  • Customizing the Main Screen: You can adjust the main screen features based on the permissions assigned by the system administrator.

2.4. Production Process:

  • Active Task List:
  • Scan QR codes to view order details.
Chi tiết một đơn hàng dành cho Kỹ thuật viên - Digital Profile
Order Details for Technicians (Digital Profile)

The order profile contains key information:

  • General information about the order (dental clinic, patient details).
  • Order reception and required completion times.
  • Progress of each production stage.
  • Images and notes from the dental clinic and previous stages of the order.

Technicians can also:

  • Select products for production.
  • Complete current tasks.
  • Upload images and add notes.

2.5. Reporting:

  • Tap “Details” on the main screen to access various reports:
    • Filter by production time.
    • Track data such as production quantity and time.
    • Filter by order type: New, Warranty, Rework, or Corrected Items.
    • Production Reports: View detailed technician performance results.
Báo cáo kết quả sản xuất - DentalSO
Production Results Report – DentalSO
Chi tiết kết quả làm việc của kỹ thuật viên - DentalSO
Detailed Technician Performance Results – DentalSO