Well Integrated Communication Online

chức năng Chat trong Quản lý Dental Lab - Phần mềm quản lý Labo

Well-integrated Chat inside the Dental Lab Online

The communication feature is well integrated into the app and helps users easier to communicate with partners.
More importantly, the exchange content is linked and displayed by case, patient...

Chat for a specific case

The production progress of each order can be shared with customers.
Technicians at Labo can view requests, content, and images previously exchanged with the dentist, and can exchange or update images with the dentist during the production process.

nội dung Chat cho đơn hàng cụ thể - Phần mềm quản lý Labo
Gởi thông báo tự động đến khách hàng - Phần mềm quản lý Labo

Configure Workflows For Auto-Sending Messages

The smart function automatically activates functions to interact with customers such as: Sending invoices automatically, confirming new orders, completing orders, or sending evaluation requests after each transaction.

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